ABC is a registered charity, and without our Committee, we are unable to provide our services to you.

As soon as you send your child to ABC, you become a member of our charity and are eligible to join our Committee. We are always looking for new Committee members. It is a great way to get involved with ABC and see what we do. Your experience and expertise is essential to ABC and we really would encourage all members to consider joining.  The Committee meets at least 3 times per year.  If you feel that this is something you would like to get involved in, please do talk to a member of staff or one of our existing Committee members who will be more than happy to discuss this with you.

Our new Committee is elected in April every year, at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

A Parent’s comments on our Committee:

“It took a nudge from my wife to find out more about joining the Committee. I’m really glad I did and now this is a nudge from me to you.

I think I’ve taken what ABC can offer for granted. I’m not sure what we’d do without having access to a holiday, breakfast and after school club.

I was surprised that ABC needed to have parents in a Committee to keep it open, but it does. ABC would be forced to close if a new Committee cannot be formed 

After taken part in a meeting I was pleased to meet like-minded parents who can find time for 6/7 meetings a year to discuss topics and fund raising ideas to secure the future of ABC.

It was great to get to know the management team of ABC; the ones responsible for my son and to know I’m volunteering some time to a charity that my family and community benefit from.”

Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM:  The following members have been elected onto the Management Committee:-

Officers and Committee:

Dominic Gordon

Katie Smith

Rachel La-Mont

Georgia Bennett

Natasha Brundish

Ritwik Mangal

Laura Curtis

Shakir Chowdhury

Srikanth Konda

We really do appreciate the support of parents. If you would like to know more about what the Committee does and how to get involved, please contact us.

Committee Meeting dates 2023 / 2024

Tuesday 30th January 2024

Tuesday 19th March 2024

Tuesday 21st May 2024

Tuesday 24th September 2024