Our Charity registration number is: 1113357

Fundraising Meetings:

If you would like to join us please call us for more details

Fundraising Team Contact No: 01473 718296

Do not forget that you can fund raise from the comfort of your arm chair.  Just click on the link and search for ‘ABC Childcare” once you have agreed your support, whenever you shop online ABC will receive a percentage.  This will not cost you a single penny – now that is easy fundraising!



Coming up . . . 

Saturday 6th July – ABC Summer Fundraising event 10am-12pm
         We are looking to repeat the success of last years summer event, and hope that you will all come along and support us.  More details will be coming to you after Easter.  If you would like to get involved and volunteer some time, please speak to a member of staff or any of the committee members.  More hands make light work – and we thank you in advance, for your continued support of ABC pre-school and Freetime Clubs.

Previous Events

Once again we displayed a tree at the St Mary Le Tower’s Christmas Tree Festival.  The children made fantastic robin decorations to hang on the tree. Doesn’t it look beautiful!

The fundraising team are always looking for new ways to raise funds for our charity. If you could spare an hour or two a month to help us, we would love to hear from you.

For more information about our events please contact the Fundraising Team on 01473 718296.